
Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Alcohol vs Marijuana

Alcohol and cannabis be two drugs commonly use and maltreated in the joined States. Alcohol is the number one abuse drug, while marijuana is number one among misappropriated drugs. While alcoholic drink remains legal, and marijuana illegal, this does not necessarily mean that alcohol is break out for you. thither have been many arguments where race suggest that marijuana should be legal because alcohol is more deadly. On the other hand, there argon alcoholics who would tell a pothead that smoking weed is bad for you.Both substances atomic number 18 very(prenominal) bad for your health and should not be heavily used by anyone but we do need to be a minuscule more piteous to the people that do drugs because you dont sleep together what they go by dint of in life . Although, Marijuana has such a bad reputation Marijuana is one of the closely common drug at present and its also arrant. But what exactly is marijuana? Marijuana is a green, brown, or gray mixture of dried, s hredded leaves, stems, seed, and flowers of the hemp plants. There be a lot of names for this drug and they are pot, herb, weed, grass, boom, mary jane, gangster, or chronic.Marijuana has been around for many years and has been thought to be illegal and harmful. But marijuana has been used for medical reasons, including medicine, hemp rope, crude framework and enjoyment. Why do young people use marijuana? There are many reasons why they do that and most young people mountain marijuana because their friends or brothers and sisters use marijuana and pressure them to elbow grease it. others may think its cool to use marijuana because they hear songs well-nigh it and see it on TV and in movies. many teens may touch they need marijuana and other drugs to help them escape from their problems at home, at school, or with friends.Alcohol is a drug that is classified as a central nervous system depressant. There are three forms of alcohol, beer, wine-colored and distilled spirits. Alcoh ol is one of the most commonly used drugs in the United States and has more adverse effects that most other drugs combined. There are many aspects to consider when thinking about alcohol as a drug. There are many myths surrounding alcohol, including who uses it, what its effects are on users, social and sexual situations and the amounts people drink. The vast majority of the American universe uses alcohol and in many various shipway and this also causes different effects.Alcohol is also has a great causation in crimes committed by users, social, medical, and educational problems as a result of use as well. Marijuana and alcohol are similar in many ways because weed and alcohols seems to satisfy most teenagers in todays world. Some of there similar effects are that they both make you very hungry and sleepy and they both make you escape from reality. When I order they both make you escape from reality I mean that most people drink in smoke because they are going through something and they just dont want to think about it any longer and thats how they escape from reality.If they were to get rid of marijuana and alcohol I think that would be very formidable. As you can see marijuana and alcohol are the most common drugs used in todays society but does that make it right for everyone to do them? Should alcohol be illegal since marijuana is illegal or should they both be legal? Those are some of the questions you have to ask yourself because just because your friends are drinking and smoking doesnt mean you have to drink and smoke also, jus be above the influence

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